
Roof Condition, Leak Investigation and Detection Solutions for the Complete Building Envelope

Tracking down the source of a leak or moisture intrusion in a building is not as simple as looking above the puddle of water. We know leaks can leave a facility manager feeling panicked, perplexed and helpless.

Fortunately, there are now proven methods for recognising leaks and moisture sources so that we can take a proactive approach – rather than reaching for bucket when the drip, drip, drip starts!

Here at Building Transformation we provide roof and façade leak testing solutions for a wide variety of properties, from commercial offices, listed buildings, shopping centres, schools and universities, hotels, hospitals and even car parks. We use tests such as electronic leak integrity testing, integrity testing of roof membranes, moisture mapping and vacuum dewatering as well as thermographic surveys for the whole building envelope.

Cladded, brick, curtain walling, glazing or composite, we help your isolate, repair and maintain your roof or facade. Where materials have failed, corroded, shrunk, moved or loosened due to weathering we use imaginative and cost effective access solutions to inspect and plan a repair programme.

Roof surveys, leak testing, roofing repairs, planned and reactive roof maintenance help support building owners and managers with the correct leak detection solutions – but what can you do to prevent problems in the first place?

  • Maintain a clean roof.
  • Train maintenance crews regarding the intricacies of the particular roof system.
  • Monitor drainage systems, and ensure they remain functional.
  • Limit roof access to authorised personnel only.
  • Perform a formal, consistent roof inspection at least once a year.

But for proper maintenance and inspection, facility managers should turn to partners such as Building Transformation, who can identify problems, advise on repair material selection, and ensure a quality installation, ultimately extending the life of a building.

Here are a few clients we are already supporting on a planned and reactive basis:

MOD Abbeywood

Providing planned roof maintenance for MOD Abbeywood, from leaks investigation, installation of new rainwater system, gutter maintenance, lining and recoating. We have been active on site for five years.

Travis Perkins

Provided planned roof maintenance throughout the UK for the past ten years, managing over 250 stores nationwide, providing planned and reactive roof maintenance, repairs and recoating solutions.

Accor Hotels / Land Securities

Provided a wide variety of roof maintenance and gutter maintenance solutions from leak detection, water testing, roof repairs and gutter cleaning. We have used a variety of access methods from abseiling and MEWPs to access difficult locations.

We have the in-house capabilities to provide roofs and facade tests including:

  • Roof, gutter and façade leak detection and water ingress investigations
  • Electronic leak integrity testing of roof membranes for flat, felt and singly ply roofs
  • Moisture mapping and vacuum dewatering solutions
  • Thermographic surveys for all the building envelope
  • Endoscopic camera and borescope surveys
  • Roofing repairs, recoating and replacement
  • Façade stabilisation, re-fixing and sealing solutions
  • Planned, reactive, roof and gutter maintenance
  • Written detailed reports
  • Solution for tall, exposed and challenging to access buildings, via MEWP, rope access & cradles

Whether you need a roof condition survey for general roof or façade maintenance, our team of engineers can provide you with a detailed picture of your building’s issues, risks and health.

As tall buildings and modern architecture continue to push the boundaries of material design and performance, it creates a greater need to ensure that the building fabric can be safely accessed and maintained into the future. Our services have the flexibility to adapt to all situations, building types and environments.